Ron Aaron veröffentlichte die neue Version von Reva Forth 5.1 am 07. Aug. 2005. Reva allein bedeutet auf hebräisch schon "one fourth". Reva Forth wäre also ein Pleonasmus, zumindest aber eine Tautologie. Trotzdem lasse ich den Link darauf auf der rechten Seite unter der Rubrik "Freie Forth-Systeme" so stehen.
Er schrieb am 17. Juli 2005 in c.l.f. unter anderem:
There are a fairly wide variety of Forths available for Windows - commercial,
GPL and PD. They vary in their underlying goals and targets, but mostly can
all be used to accomplish whatever you want. My "Reva" Forth is extremely
small (~16k binary) and intended for Linux/Windows developement - however, it
does not have all the "bells and whistles" that the bigger Forth environments
have. At this point, it is approaching release-quality (it's in the final
stages). Oh, it's not an ANS Forth, but it is free (PD) and all sources are
Er sagt aber auch:
If you wish, you can start Reva with the -a command-line switch -- this will load the ANS compatibility layer (which is incomplete).
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Forth-Gesellschaft e.V.